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Frau mit IEMT Integral Eye Movement Therapy

For personal or professional use, in the workplace,
and as workshops and presentations

Hallo Geist IEMT Therapie Sonnenblume Aufzählungspunkt

Integral Eye Movement Training & The Unconventional Therapist

I am one of 44 IEMT Trainers worldwide, and one of only three in the UK CURRENTLY TEACHING FACE TO FACE. I also offer face-to-face training in the workplace and internationally.

This training and certification is open to all aged 18 plus – regardless of whether you have a therapy background. There a no pre requisites. It is a rapidly growing therapy that is unlike any other, a quick-change therapy for many situations where other therapies couldnt get to. Very useful for a wide range of people and businesses – including workplace mental health first-aiders, mental health professionals, for teachers, parents and so much more.

Learning IEMT with me is not just about getting another certification in a therapeutic modality – this is about changing lives and refreshingly makes therapy more accessible, effective, efficient and affordable than ever before.

Book now Book Online | Hello Mind Ltd.

More information on the IEMT Practitioner Training 2-day course

The Hello Mind 2-day IEMT Certified Practitioner Training is offered LIVE, in person, with Lisa Lord. Lisa is an accredited member of the Association for IEMT Practitioners she also an active and certified IEMT Practitioner.

Many people are now seeking to train in this life-changing therapeutic model, not just therapists and coaches. Right now, it's quickly being adopted by many professionals and is worldwide in India, Philippines, Israel, Netherlands, Canada, Ireland and Belgium. The board of nurses in the USA are now using this daily in the workplace too.

I have worked with over 2000 individuals during the last six years alone. At least 20 of them have since gone on to become an IEMT practitioner and many set up their own private practice or taken it into the workplace. However, it is not obligatory to become a practitioner. when taking the training, by doing this course you have the option to qualify and register. It's a testament to the significant "life-changing effects" of this work that the parents, teachers, medical professionals, trainers, hypnotherapists and others that I have successfully helped have gone on to add IEMT to their toolkit.

IEMT can be used elegantly and can blend with your existing skills

IEMT can be really helpful for clients who appear to have complex issues or have had traumatic experiences. It's ideal for those who prefer to not talk about it or disclose details, embarrassing problems or challenging thoughts. The changes I have witnessed actually happen over a short space of time. These clients may have had years of therapy and talking with a therapist to no real resolution or change. Often they will still be suffering.

Over these training days the issues of memories and feelings are explored. We look at 'How did the client learn to feel this way?'. We also consider IEMT Techniques for individuals who have experienced trauma in their past, followed by identity issues. 

I often share case studies with students throughout training. Along with this, you'll have many an opportunity to experience the change therapy work yourself. Throughout the interactive training I do ask for volunteers for demonstrations. In one of these recent sessions, a student had undergone four years of private mental health therapy with no significant change. In this demonstration during the training, my IEMT demo resulted in them being "blown away by the change" that happened over just a few short minutes.

People say I make it look easy, thats because I use it most days and practised hard. Like anything it takes time and effort. The weekend is very interactive, packed with information, it can be intense, however one thing I ensure to add to this is fun and energy as you learn how to use these innovative IEMT techniques and guarantee new skills. It leaves you feeling confident and competent to use these life-changing modalities in a calm, caring and powerful way.

Please read the official IEMT certification criteria at the link below that I adhere to. In addition, note that training with Lisa Lord at Hello Mind (and submitted case studies) must be completed to a satisfactory level before certification is approved. You can read more about certification criteria at the integral eye movement therapy website.

Ongoing support exclusive to my students

To all trainees I offer three months of 1-2-1 support and coaching, as well as lifetime free monthly Zoom support meetings where we can all come together to ask questions and share experiences. Alongside this, I offer a private Facebook group called "dont be a twat with a clipboard" which has exclusive content and information, plus a WhatsApp group for more immediate questions and interaction, I am not a fan of groups however if used as intended they can be very beneficial so these groups are not for chatting about what you had for tea last night becasue it would soon be a pretty boring group. Energy and Effort is key.

Any questions, please just pop me a message.

With love,


Hallo Geist IEMT Therapie Sonnenblume Aufzählungspunkt
Hallo Geist IEMT Therapie Sonnenblume Aufzählungspunkt
Hallo Geist IEMT Therapie Sonnenblume Aufzählungspunkt
Hallo Geist IEMT Therapie Sonnenblume Aufzählungspunkt
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Lisa Lord – Fortgeschrittene IEMT-Praktikerin

IEMT Trainer & Advanced Practitioner

Therapie effizient, effektiv und erschwinglich machen

Lisa Lord – Fortgeschrittene IEMT-Praktikerin

© 2024 Hello Mind Ltd

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