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Lisa Lord and Hello Mind are proud to be affiliated with various companies,
individuals and charities that promote better mental health and wellbeing worldwide

Hello Mind IEMT Therapy Sunflower Bullet Point


Hello Mind IEMT Therapy Sunflower Bullet Point

Therapy Expo 23

Somebody Else's Angel

Rick was a client of mine a few years back and after struggling for over 20 years he finally found 'his angel' since then he has found life and living again and wants to pay it forward.

And he is, Rick has developed Someone Elses Angel where you can go for help via one of my previous IEMT Practioners that I have trained and reccomended. 

This is an amaing site with a whole plethora of insights, experiences and kowledge and information. 

Please take a look and share

A word from Rick...

"I was Alone, Suicidal, Desperate! with No Hope, No Help and Seemingly No Future! I Was Lost!  But I had Choices and I Chose To Fight! To Live! To Survive! Maybe, Just Maybe, I could help others! People just like me! People Lost, Alone, Afraid and Desperate - Broken Souls - Maybe That's You? Maybe It Is Somebody That Is Close To You? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There are Thousands of US! There IS Help! There IS Understanding! There IS A Way Forward! CLICK HELP ME NOW, LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY! PLEASE - MAKE A CHOICE! DECIDE TO SURVIVE!"

Go to the website below for more information and contact Somebody Elses Angel if you need help OR can help.

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Hello Mind IEMT Therapy Sunflower Bullet Point

Jewish Sexual Abuse Support (previously known as) Migdal Emunah

Hello Mind runs life-changing therapy sessions for the Jewish Sexual Abuse Support team led by CEO Erica Marks, JSAS previously known as Migdal Emunah based in their offices in North Finchley, London and Online.

JSAS is a charity that was founded in 2013. It provides a support service for Jewish children, women and men who had experienced sexual abuse. It works across all denominations of the Jewish Community and provides clients with therapy, access to advice, advocacy and support.

You can read more about the sessions that Lisa has held for the charity on the Migdal Emunah IEMT page.


JSAS website


JSAS on Facebook

Central House, 1 Ballards Lane, Finchley, 
London N3 1LQ

Tel: +44 (0) 7519 980774

Registered Charity Number 1150835

Hello Mind IEMT Therapy Sunflower Bullet Point

Another Coming Soon!

All about another affiliation.



Could you be the next one to invite and work with Lisa and her Team @ Hello Mind?

Get in touch to see how.



YOUR website link


contact number etc


Lisa Lord - Advanced IEMT Practitioner

© 2024 Hello Mind Ltd

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