Helping to reduce unhelpful, unwanted thoughts and feelings

Integral Eye Movement Therapy
IEMT is a content-free therapy.
This means that the client does not have to disclose any information relating to why they're seeking change therapy. Whilst it can make dealing with sensitive or painful experiences and events much easier, the amazing thing is that this doesn't impact the effectiveness of the session at all.
Integral Eye Movement is a rapid change therapy which explores the area of unwanted emotions and our way of being. It is a wonderful, quick and practical way to help you manage your emotions and progress fully in life, feeling in control and free.
The beauty of IEMT is that it updates past experiences, allowing you to desensitise emotions and release any baggage associated with these events so that it can no longer affect your responses in the present or future. Throughout our lives, past experiences and events affect the way we behave and our emotional responses to different situations. These are known as emotional and identity imprints and IEMT is an amazing tool to work with these and more.
IEMT allows you to be free from the past and move forward in a positive way, separating the emotion from the memory. It was developed By Andrew T.Austin and is rapidly becoming 'the therapy to have'.
"Are you tired of the stereotypical therapy session?"
"You talk, they take notes. They look at the clock and say
'Okay, we'll continue this next time' . You leave feeling like you just ripped open
your soul for a stranger who may or may not have really listened.
I've experienced this for myself - that's why I'm
a different kind of therapist". ~ Lisa Lord
Hypnotherapy is a scientifically proven therapy. Here at Hello Mind I use practical, modern and well researched strategies to help people to achieved their desired changes in a relatively short period of time. Hypnotherapy aids a number of physical and mental health conditions.
Hypnosis is a time where your conscious mind may wander, leaving your subconscious mind open and receptive to positive suggestion - whether that be needing more confidence or increasing your sports performance, quiting smoking etc. The list is limitless. Whichever you choose, regardless feedback often is 'feeling a deep sense of relaxation pervading your mind and body' and when I bring people round into conscious awareness they often ask 'can I just stay here'. This is time for you and a time and place where that negative chatter can shut the front door, and so far every single client wakes up reporting feeling much more relaxed, calmer overall, and happier.
"Forget the stereotypical stage hypnotist"
"I don't get you running around laying eggs, I am a vegan for starts -
but it just isnt like that. nor do I use a pendulum!"
Joking aside, hypnotherapy when used right is simply one of the most beautiful experiences as my clients know, leaving you in a much calmer and more centred space, feeling balanced and relaxed. As of today, upon coming out of hypnosis, all my clients feedback that they cannot remember feeling so relaxed in a very long time, if at all.
People with hoarding disorder feel a strong need to save their possessions which can sometimes lead to very poor health and and unhealthy quality of living. Lisa and a carefully hand-picked team can help respectively with hoarders – from both the mental health and physical aspects. We don't leave things unfinished either, which means that by the time we leave you'll be in the best headspace to be able to move forward with your life.
Cost & Where
The first session is £110. A session lasts for however long it takes. Further sessions should they be required are £90, again, I am not on a timer, your progress is my Priority, sessions are usually between 90 & 120 minutes. I will be using whichever modality is the best for the issues you're presenting. Whether it be IEMT, Hypnotherapy, Social Panoramas along with explanations of how the mind works and giving you resources to use to help you move forward. I work to get you where you want to be in the shortest time possible. There is no fixed prescription for therapy or the amount of sessions any individual may need. I also don't suggest block-booking either, under the pretence of 'saving you money' No therapist can say it will be 8 sessions and this winds me up, this is both a ludicrous, unethical and outdated process that guarentees to line the pocket of the therapist first and formost. Most clients rarely need more than 1-4 sessions with me to achieve their desired change. We are living in fast times, many clients stay in touch and some come back for a 'top-up' or rather a 'mind massage' (as it was recently called by a client).
Working from Oakham, Rutland. I offer home visits often for end of life care. I also work successfuly online worldwide.
What would you rather have, years of 1 set clock watching talking hour for weeks, months and years developing a friendship and co-dependancy or get cracked on within a few sessions and potentially even less that a few months sometimes days?
Access for all
I have previously worked successfully with al wide demographic of individuals – including those with visual and hearing impairments (I have the services of a very lovely sign launguage interpreter) I work with people successfully where others have failed, from Re-habs to Top Pyschotherapists where clients have just been medicated and labelled 'too complex' this includes celebrities and top atheletes.
I have worked so far with ages between 4 to 82 years.
The only limit is often what we tell ourselves in our mind.
Please get in touch using either the contact form, email or phone for any further information.

Berikut beberapa kondisi yang dapat kami tangani di Hello Mind:
Penyalahgunaan • Kecanduan • Kemarahan/Amarah • Kecemasan • Penyerangan (dampaknya) • Mengompol (dewasa) • Trauma Masa Kecil • Kepercayaan Diri • Depresi • Ketakutan • Kebiasaan • IBS (Sindrom Iritasi Usus Besar) Insomnia • Kecemburuan • Harga Diri Rendah • Dorongan Seks/Libido Rendah • Motivasi Kegugupan • Mimpi Buruk/Mimpi Buruk yang Berulang/Teror Malam • OCD (Gangguan Obsesif Kompulsif) • Pereda Nyeri • Paranoia • Serangan Panik • Fobia • Berbicara di Depan Umum/Tampil di Depan Umum • Psoriosis • Relaksasi • Kebencian terhadap Diri Sendiri Citra Diri • Pelecehan Seksual • Rasa Malu • Performa Olahraga • Stres • Manajemen Berat Badan • Kekhawatiran